Monday, April 8, 2013

Road Curves Ahead

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Yesterday my church held an Amazing Race competition. It is a lot like the television version, only on a smaller scale. I was the photographer so I didn't compete but I think it was more fun that way. I drove all over town capturing the candid moments at each checkpoint.

Where is that smiley face???!!!

Here's the rundown:
  • We had about 15 teams of 4; or a team of 4 with a 5th non-participating driver
  • Clue-givers were staged at the church and certain checkpoint areas all over town.
  • The teams received their 1st clue to decipher at the church and then they were on their own to figure everything else out.
  • Once the team had deciphered the clue, they had to go to that checkpoint and  perform a task to receive the next clue. Some of the tasks included:
    • Find a smiley face hidden in the sanctuary
    • Count the correct number of dry beans in a canister
    • Dig a clue out of a sand pit
    • Go to the mall and sing and do the motions to the song, "I'm in the Lord's Army" to a group of 5 people
  • There were around 10 tasks to be performed in a 4 hour period.
  • You could take a time penalty at certain tasks. For example, if you just couldn't get the bean count correct you could take a 30 minute penalty rather than count and recount over and over.
  • First team back to the church, with all tasks completed won. Of course, you had to factor in any time penalties.
Off to the next checkpoint!

This event is great for church and community outreach. (Unless you had a married couple on the same team! I heard a couple mock-threats of divorce... haha) Everyone was able to participate from the school-age to senior adult, most of whom were clue-givers. And the church reached out to many businesses in the community either as a checkpoint or for the donation of a prize. Everyone was so gracious!

Deciphering the letters in the last clue

It was a great event that brought everyone together for a wild and fun time. Can't wait until next year. Maybe I'll even compete!

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